Israeli Songs with Lyrics and Translation – Page 8

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Panim el mul panim – (Face to Face):

By: Yehuda Poliker

Youtube links to this song : link1link2link3

And here are the lyrics:

Hebrew English
Panim el mul panim
Pgisha be-emtza a-ha-im
Iganu el atzmenu
Mimekomot kol-kah shonim
Face to Face
A meeting in the middle of life
We arrived to ourselves
From places so different
A-ir nireit aheret
Ke-ilu lo a-inu po
Alayla at nisheret
Haki iti laboker she-yavo
The city looks different
As if we were not here,
Tonight you are staying
Wait with me for the coming morning
Chorus :
A-avnu pa-am be-emet u-betamim
A-avnu kmo she-yeladim yodim
Alay vegam alaih, ro-im et ashanim
Ve-at yafa, panim el mul panim
Chorus :
We loved once truly and innocently
We loved as children know (to love)
On me and you, the years can be seen
And you are beautiful, face to face
Panim el mul panim
Ulay rak pa-am ba-hayim
Azman soger aleinu
Ma-agal shel shinu-im
Face to Face
Perhaps only once in a lifetime
Time closes in on us
A circle of changes
Az ma avar alaih
Uma mevi otah lepo
Alayla at nisheret
Haki iti laboker she-yavo
So what passed with you
And what brings you here,
Tonight you are staying
Wait with me for the coming morning
Chorus Chorus

Etzel adoda veadod – (At the aunt and uncle’s (house))

By : Dany Sendersson

Youtube links to this song : link1link2link3

And here are the lyrics:

Hebrew English
Etzel adoda ve-adod
Em nasu le-hofesh be-yavan
Etzel adoda ve-adod
Ishiru bait meguvan
At the aunt and uncle’s (house)
They went on holiday to Greece
At the aunt and uncle’s (house)
They left a diverse house
Im sapot nohot
Umakom lirkod
Mekarer male be-afta-ot
Im salon adir,
Umizug avir
Ve-akol etzel adoda ve-adod
With comfortable sofas
And a place to dance
A refrigerator full of surprises
With a huge living room
And air conditioning
And everything at the aunt and uncle’s (house)
Etzel adoda ve-adod
Asafnu kama yedidim
Etzel adoda ve-adod
Irganu erev rikudim
At the aunt and uncle’s (house)
We gathered a few friends
At the aunt and uncle’s (house)
We organized an evening of dancing
Bahurot ein sof
Im o bli mahsof
Na-aru labait, be-me-ot
Kol anshei ashik
kol ami va-mi
Nifgeshu etzel adoda ve-adod
Plenty of girls
With or without cleavage
Flocked to the house by the hundreds
All the fashion people
All the famous
Met at the aunt and uncle’s (house)
Etzel adoda ve-adod
Hagiga kazot od lo ayta
Etzel adoda ve-adod
ad lish-e-ot aboker nimsheha
At the aunt and uncle’s (house)
There has never been such a celebration
At the aunt and uncle’s (house)
It continued until the morning hours
Tisrokot rakdu
Mashka-ot ruknu
Anashim nitlu al akirot
Taklitim kis-hu,
Ash-henim tzarhu
Ve-akol etzel adoda ve-adod
Hairstyles danced
Drinks were emptied
People climbed (hanged) on the walls
Records banged
Neighbors screamed
And everything at the aunt and uncle’s (house)
Etzel adoda ve-adod
Em amdu ba-petah amumim
Etzel adoda ve-adod
Em ikdimu be-kama yamim
At the aunt and uncle’s (house)
They stood in the doorway shocked
At the aunt and uncle (house)
They arrived earlier by a few days
Toh daka ve-shlish
Lo notar sham ish
Istalku be-ofen atzili
Ve-im oti tishal
Az ze dey mazal
She-em lo adoda ve-adod sheli
Within a minute and a third
No one was left
They left majestically
And if you ask me
So it is quite fortunate
That they are not My aunt and uncle

Mary Lou

By : Tzvika Pik

Youtube links to this song : link1link2link3

And here are the lyrics:

Hebrew English
Tamid oto halom,
Halom beshem Mary Lu
Az eifo at ayom,
Imri li Mary Lu
Always the same dream,
A dream called Mary Lou
So where are you today,
Tell me, Mary Lou
Rodefet aharey aru-ah
Nizreket kmo balon nafu-ah
Ahshav ani kvar lo batu-ah
She-a-it sheli
Chasing after the wind
Discarded like an inflated balloon,
Now I’m not sure anymore
That you were mine
Tovlim be-i yarok,
Yarok bayam, Mary Lu
Min zikaron rahok
Matok ve-ham, Mary Lu
Dipping in a green island,
Green sea, Mary Lou
A kind of a distant memory
Sweet and hot, Mary Lou
A-inu yeladim shel shemesh
Ve-ru-ah melatefet heresh
Tipasnu al atzei aregesh
Kmo pirhei abar
We were children of the sun,
And the wind caresses softly,
We climbed over trees of emotions
Like wildflowers
Chorus :
Kmo buba al hut, i mistovevet
Al susei za-av i shuv rohevet
Pa-am i ulay te-eye kohevet,
Mary Lu
Mul orot kozvim, i mitparperet
Bemakom rahok i shuv zo-eret
Pa-am i ulay te-eye aheret
Mary Lu
Chorus :
Like a puppet on a string she rotates
On golden horses she is riding again
Once she might be a star,
Mary Lou
Ahead false lights she is fooling around
In a far away place she is shining again
Once she might change
Mary Lou
Tamid oto halom,
Halom beshem Mary Lu
Az eifo at ayom,
Imri li Mary Lu
Always the same dream,
A dream called Mary Lou
So where are you today,
Tell me, Mary Lou
Tsolelet ve-ola ba-ma-im
Ratsit lishot ad ashama-im
Ulay igat lesham beinata-im
Mary Lu sheli
Diving and rising in the water
You wanted to swim up to the sky,
Maybe you got there in the meantime
My Mary Lou
Chorus Chorus

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