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Alev – (The heart):
By: Maya Buskila & Tzvika Pik
Youtube links to this song : link1, link2, link3
And here are the lyrics:
Hebrew | English |
Kshe-ageshem yored ve-dofek ba-halon ze atzuv ve-kaved ve-kashe li lishon kshe-bahutz se-ara az alev shuv shoel kashe li nora az ani shuv boha ve-nizkeret be-ha ba-hiuh ba-mabat ve-ani levad |
When rain falls and knocks on the window it is sad and heavy and it’s hard for me to sleep when outside there is storm then the heart asks again it is very hard for me so I cry again and I remember you at your smile and look and I am alone |
Chorus: Ze laila stavi ve-ein ko-havim ageshem yored ve-alev u boded, alev ze laila stavi |
Chorus: It’s an autumn night and there are no stars rain falls and the heart is lonely, the heart It’s an autumn night |
Kshe-ageshem yored kmo-dma-ot atzuvot az alev shuv noded im otam mah-shavot al ota a-ava she-mizman nigmera aboker lo ba ve-ka-she li nora az ani shuv bo-ha ve-nizkeret be-ha ve-ani levad |
When rain falls like sad tears so the heart wanders again with the same thoughts about this love, that has finished, long ago the morning doesn’t come and it is very hard for me so I cry again and I remember you and I am alone |
Chorus: Ze laila stavi ve-ein ko-havim ageshem yored ve-alev u boded, alev ze laila stavi |
Chorus: It’s an autumn night and there are no stars rain falls and the heart is lonely, the heart It’s an autumn night |
Eineh Yehola- (you can’t)
By: Ahalonot Agvo-im – (The high windows)
Youtube links to this song : link1, link2, link3
And here are the lyrics:
Hebrew | English |
Eineh ye-hola, kaha stam lale-het eineh ye-hola, la-azov oti eineh ye-hola, ki ah-shav shale-het yesh geshem ba-hutz ve-at nisheret iti |
You can’t, just go like this you can’t, leave me you can’t, because it is now leaf fall It’s raining outside and you are staying with me |
Chorus: Afilu im tagidi: “ze lo kedai” afilu im tagidi: “lo, ein li pnai” afilu im tagidi: “leh, leh me-alai” |
Chorus: Even if you’ll say: “it’s not worth it” even if you’ll say: “I don’t have time” even if you’ll say: “go, go away from me” |
Im rak tevakshi, le-argish babait et sh-hor tzamateh, he-resh alatef ve-im tevakshi, lo livkot alail eshev leyadeh vegam eten lah katef |
If you’ll just ask to feel at home I will calmly caress your black braids and if you’ll ask, not to cry this night I’ll sit next to you and also I’ll give you a shoulder |
Chorus: Afilu im tagidi: “ze lo kedai” afilu im tagidi: “lo, ein li pnai” afilu im tagidi: “leh, leh me-alai” |
Chorus: Even if you’ll say: “it’s not worth it” even if you’ll say: “I don’t have time” even if you’ll say: “go, go away from me” |
Ve-im tevakshi, me-alai livro-ah eftah et dalti, lah yalda ktana ve-im tevakshi, et panai lishko-ah eten lah balehi neshika ahrona |
And if you’ll ask to run away from me I’ll open my door for you, little girl and if you’ll ask, to forget my face I’ll give you a last kiss on the cheek |
Chorus: Afilu im tagidi: “ze lo kedai” afilu im tagidi: “lo, ein li pnai” afilu im tagidi: “leh, leh me-alai” |
Chorus: Even if you’ll say: “it’s not worth it” even if you’ll say: “I don’t have time” even if you’ll say: “go, go away from me” |
Eineh ye-hola, kaha stam lale-het yesh geshem ba-hutz ve-at nisheret iti |
You can’t, just go like this it’s raining outside and you are staying with me |
Ata ha-iav lamut alai- (you must have a crush on me)
By : Hamsa group
Youtube links to this song : link1, link2, link3
And here are the lyrics:
Lo yehol likrot matzav shelo tere oti
Bilti efshari sheteleh barehov veta-avor letzad sheni |
Can’t be a situation, that you will not see me. Impossible that you will walk in the street and cross to the other side No chance, it doesn’t depend on you or on how I was dressed. It’s just a huge nervous presence that I don’t know who I inherrited it from |
Lo itahen, she-ata tetaken, tetalfen im ani lo mevakeshet. Shum efsharut she-yeshna ta-harut bein Mihal ve-Sigal ve-Ayeter. Ma pitom, lo shtaltanit, ve-azman sheli hashuv ke-mo gever Az im lo titkasher ve-tat-hil le-hazer, ani lo ere otha mimeter |
Impossible, that you will fix, that you will call, if I don’t ask. No way that there is competition with Mihal and Sigal and the others. No way, I’m not dominant, and my time is as important as that of a man. So if you will not call and start courting (me) I will not see you (even) from one meter away. |
Ata tamid, matok, matz-hik, ve-keshe-ani agid Ata takum ve-tipol, ve-takum ve-tipol, ve-ta-amod ve-ah-shav tamtin |
You always, sweet, funny, and when I will tell (you) You will get-up and fall down, and get up and fall down, and you will stand-up and now, you will wait |
Ata hayav lamut alai
Ata hayav lamut alai Ata hayav lamut ve-li-hiot |
You must “die on me” (have a crush on me, love me to death) You must “die on me” (have a crush on me, love me to death) You must die and live just for me just for myself, for me, for myself |
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