Uno | 1 |
Dos | 2 |
Tres | 3 |
Cuatro | 4 |
Cinco | 5 |
Seis | 6 |
Siete | 7 |
Ocho | 8 |
Nueve | 9 |
Diez | 10 |
Once | 11 |
Doce | 12 |
Trece | 13 |
Catorce | 14 |
Quince | 15 |
Dieciséis | 16 |
Diecisiete | 17 |
Dieciocho | 18 |
Diecinueve | 19 |
Veinte | 20 |
Veintinuno | 21 |
Veintidos | 22 |
Veintitrés | 23 |
Veinticuatro | 24 |
Veinticinco | 25 |
Veintiséis | 26 |
Veintisiete | 27 |
Veintiocho | 28 |
Veintinueve | 29 |
Treinta | 30 |
Diez | 10 |
Veinte | 20 |
Treinta | 30 |
Cuarenta | 40 |
Cincuenta | 50 |
Sesenta | 60 |
Setenta | 70 |
Ochenta | 80 |
Noventa | 90 |
Cien | 100 |
Mil | 1000 |
Diez mil | 10000 |
Cien mil | 100000 |
Un millón | 1000000 |
Ordinal Numbers | |
Primero | First |
Segundo | Second |
Tercero | Third |
Cuarto | Fourth |
Quinto | Fifth |
Sexto | Sixth |
Séptimo | Seventh |
Octavo | Eighth |
Noveno | Ninth |
Décimo | Tenth |
Fractions | |
Medio | Half |
Tercio | Third |
Cuarto | Quarter |
Tres cuartos | Three Quarters |
About languages :
- Spanish Vocabulary, Spanish Verbs, Spanish Sites, Spanish Songs, Learn Spanish Online.
- Songs with translation :French songs, Spanish songs, Italian songs, Hebrew songs
- Learn French, Learn Hebrew
On Cities and Countries :
Other Stuff :
- Dancing Salsa – Info for Beginners
- Being Vegetarian – Info
- What to Pack ? the visual list that will help you prepare the suitcase.
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